Swan Lake 120/16
Designer: Kerry Goodwin
Limited Edition: 75
It was always going to be awkward. As a child, my wife had won a National ballet scholarship and it was her misfortune to fall in love with and then marry the world’s worst dancer. I had no sense of rhythm and tended to dance as if I had four feet, one of which invariably landed on my partner’s toes with too much regularity. Times have changed. People no longer dance with each other. Instead they wiggle and shake at each other. All sense of human contact has gone. The truth is that except in a formal sense, the human race no longer dances. Happily, ballet is disciplined and formal and one of the great ballets of all time is Swan Lake, the musical score coming from Tchaikovsky and the storyline from Russian folklore. Odette was a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse. By day, she was a swan: by night, she was herself. Odette is forced to live by a lake, formed by the tears of her grieving mother. It is a story of trickery and deception, but the evil spell is only broken when Odette jumps into the lake of tears followed by her Prince Siegfried. They declare eternal love for each other and ascend into heaven together. A good storyline and classical ballet have always appealed to Maureen throughout her life, which meant that one of her more personal circles of life closed the moment when designer, Kerry Goodwin designed Swan Lake. For Maureen, the vase represents a very personal contribution to the Circles of Life – circles which have pulled my wife and I into Moorcroft history forever.
Although Swan Lake is a limited edition, let me say immediately that Number One has already been secured and is no longer available – just like my wife, if you like!