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Green Garland Breakfast cup 0,43L
Green Garland Coffee cup 0,25L
Green Garland Creamer 6 pers. 0,30L
Green Garland Deep plate 23cm
Green Garland Espresso cup 0,08L
Green Garland Flat plate 27cm
Green Garland French-Bol 0,75L
Green Garland Latte Macciato Mug 0,48l
Green Garland Milk jug 0,60L
Green Garland Mug 0,35L
Green Garland Oval bowl 26cm
Green Garland Oval bowl 32cm
Green Garland Oval deep plate 24x21cm
Green Garland Oval flat plate 29x25cm
Green Garland Oval gourmet plate 32x28cm
Green Garland Oval salad plate 23x19cm
Green Garland Round gourmet plate 30cm
Green Garland Salad plate 21cm
Green Garland Serving dish 34cm
Green Garland Serving dish 42cm
Green Garland Sugar/jampot 6 pers. 0,45L